--- set list ---
Am I Second
Sad Reasons
Great Civilizations
No One Can Tell
Tightrope Situation
All I Hear Is Snow
Nothing's Every Easy
Turn Burn
Capsized Jackknifed Crisis
[encore] Tracey Jayney Girl
Skysaw の Facebook にジャーナルが追加されています。
Three shows in the beautiful Carolinas and the band is on fire. We've taken the songs to another level live and
the crowds are right there with us. After struggling a bit with the sound in Greenville, Wilmington was
a standout show as well as Charleston last night. I am really impressed with the bands ability to translate the music
into a live context. It's not the easiest thing to get up and play a bunch of songs that no one has ever heard and win a crowd over.
In fact , it can be downright difficult under the best circumstances. This music clearly has a destination beyond any of our dreams
and a heartfelt embrace to those of you who have hitched your wagons to the Skysaw express.
That's all for now but those of you who know me know I could have said much more.
Last night was the first show of our mini tour with minus the bear. We played the varsity theater in Baton Rouge,La.
The crowd was fantastic and it felt so good to be playing. Baton Rouge knows how to rock out!
Skysaw is coming into it's own as a live band and I am so proud of my bandmates and their continued dedication to music.
Paul Wood flew from New York yesterday, missed his connection in Charlotte, and not being able to get to Baton Rouge,
hopped on a flight to New Orleans and drove the 80 or so miles in a rental car up to Baton Rouge to make it in time for
the show with an hour of so to spare!
For me personally the band , tour, marks a return to a lot of things that I haven't done in a while. Being on the road with
just the band , no crew, no tour manager, staying in cheap hotels, setting my own stuff up every night and tearing it down -
loading the trailer! I must say that it brings a different resonance to the music. One I haven't enjoyed in a while.
When you set your drums up yourself , you play differently. There is a reverence to the art as a whole,
not just the performance, but the life. It is sacred. I love these times and I thank every one of you for making them possible.
We are off to florida to rock out again tomorrow. I look forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones.
Regards, JC
Another great show last night in Jacksonville, Fl. with "minus the bear" and our new opener, " the constellations", who were great BTW.
Our show opened with No One Can Tell and the crowd was immediately into it and with us for the duration. Here is the setlist per your requests.
Am I Second
Great Civilizations
All I Hear is Snow
It was hot as heck but I felt like the band played great and the crowd was super into it.
I'm so happy to be able to do this type of playing. Small clubs are great places to grow your garden with the fans providing sunshine,
air and water. Looking forward to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow night! Today is a day off. We are going to relax by the ocean and work on
some arrangements. Thanks to all for another great time in music!
Regards, JC
As we head into South Carolina for tonights show in Greenville I would like to thank everyone who came out for us in Florida.
Living in Chicago it's easy to forget just how beautiful the south is and how laid back and nice the people are.
We had a fantastic time playing for everyone and I felt like the band kicked it up a notch in Tampa.
We in this business of music are constantly bombarded by thoughts and musings about the difficulty of survival in an artistic medium.
How " the good old days are gone forever" and " music just isn't as important as it used to be".
Well, although a lot of the money has dried up, those of us with a burning desire to play music are still around and willing to put ourselves
through whatever is necessary to get out and play. And although the music "business " finds itself in a constant state of turmoil,
the business of playing music is as healthy as ever. Playing music for living is tough whether you are traveling in a van or on your own jet.
Believe me , both have their upsides and their downsides and neither one comes with any guarantees of happiness. That comes from inside.
I know a lot of wealthy artists that are miserable, and I know a lot of struggling ones that are doing just fine.
I know that I am having a blast playing with my band and that is what matters right now. I know that these are the shows we will always
talk about as we move this thing forward. Not to get all preachy but let's try to remember that we all possess something beautiful
that is wholly our own. Those who seek and find that beauty have need for naught else.
Jimmy Chamberlin would like to announce that he is now playing Drum Workshop!
"After 18 years at Yamaha I have decided to move on. I feel that DW is the company that can take me,
and my evolution as an artist, to the next level. They are truly an amazing company that are at the forefront of innovation
and are making huge leaps in the advancement of the instrument. I feel like I have found a home with like minded
people who are just as obsessed with drums as I am! I wish everyone at Yamaha the best and thank all of you for 18 great years."
Skysaw のお披露目ライブは 3月28日、Los Angeles にあるクラブ The Echo でのショウ。
link: The Echo の詳細ページ
( Special Guest が Skysaw のようです)
現時点でオフィシャルサイト等では未発表ですが、同日出演する Spirit Vine の Fecebook にフライヤーの画像に
"Skysaw (project of Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin of The Smashing Pumpkins) added March 28th!"
というキャプションが付け加えられています。 link: Spirit Vine の Facebook
Jimmy の新しいバンド Skysaw が始動しました。
メンバーは、 JC, Mike Reina, Anthony Pirog, Boris Skalsky と Paul Wood の5人。
2年前に Mike と Anthony と出会い、当時は THIS というバンド名が決まってましてその名義で去年1月末から DC でアルバム制作を開始しました。
その後レコーディングは続けられたもの一時期活動がストップし音沙汰がなくなってしまいましたが、昨年後半に Jimmy がラジオインタビューを
受けた際にバンド名が Skysaw に変更され、LA でレコーディングが続けられている事を話していました。
Jimmy Chamberlin Complex のツアーギタリストだった Gannin Arnold のソロアルバム "Not From Here" が今月25日にアメリカにて発売されますが、
このアルバムに Jimmy が参加しているようです。
他参加ミュージシャンは、 William Mohler, Simon Phililps (!), Tony Levin (!!), Foo Fighters の Taylor Hawkins, Whitesnake の Rudy Sarzo など。
Gannin は Taylor Hawkins の別バンド Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders のギタリストとして Udo Festival に出演した事があります。 http://www.ganninarnold.com/
只今発売中の Modern Drummer 誌 2010年2月号に、 Jimmy と William Mohler (Jimmy Chamberlin Complex のベーシスト)
William は自身のバンド War Tapes でドラムを叩いているという事もあり、